About Wisconsin Area Camera Clubs Organization

At Wisconsin Area Camera Clubs Organization, we are passionate about photography and dedicated to promoting education in this art form. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, our community of camera enthusiasts is here to support and inspire you on your photographic journey.

We believe that every picture tells a story, and we want to help you tell yours. Our diverse team of photographers brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to guide you in capturing stunning images and mastering the technical aspects of photography.

As a member of our organization, you'll have access to a wide range of resources, including workshops, competitions, and networking events. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your love for photography and expand your skills through our educational programs.

A classroom setting with a speaker presenting to a seated audience, with a large camera image projected on a screen behind the speaker.

History of WACCO

On August 20, 1982, an organizational meeting was held at the home of Ruth Jaster in Racine, Wisconsin. Bob Schaap, Ruth Jaster, Taylor Mackey, Lee and Joni Agnew, and Frank Schulte were present.
The purpose of this meeting was to establish an organization uniting the camera clubs of Southeast Wisconsin. It would encourage and promote photography through the sharing of knowledge and experience. The name proposed was the Wisconsin Council of Camera Clubs. 

WACCO The Early Years
In the beginning, like all fledgling groups, WACCO had its share of problems while establishing itself.  Forming new opportunities helped participants get to know each other. The process of attracting members, conducting competitions, and planning outings and programs allowed the team to resolve their differences. 
Often, disagreements and conflicts arose until participants learned to trust each other’s judgments and to work effectively as a team. Formulating Bylaws and Operational Procedures for officers and committees, writing the rules for competitions, and deciding on awards were difficult.  Through struggle and growth, successful developments occurred. WACCO became a positive performing photography organization. 

  • The first interclub competition was planned for November 1983 at the Holiday Inn, Waukesha. The Image Makers Camera Club hosted it.

  • In October of 1987, WACCO undertook hosting the PSA Regional Convention; President Steve Haynes said: "Well, folks - we did it! And we did ourselves proud. The convention was a huge success."

  • On November 3, 1984, all the member clubs ratified the bylaws.

  • On April 20th, 1985, the bylaws were amended, and the competition rules were being created. It was decided to hold an annual Fall competition on the first Saturday in November.

  • August 17th, 1985, the Operational Procedures for Competition were approved.

  • 1984 Club Roster
    Creative Photographers Guild, Image Makers Camera Club, Kenosha Camera Club, Menomonee Falls Camera Club, Milwaukee Camera Club, Photo Pictorialists of Milwaukee, Racine Camera Club, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center Camera Club, Western Camera Club

  • January 17, 1989, WACCO was Incorporated.


2023 - 25
2021 - 23
2019 - 21
2017 - 19
2015 - 17
2013 - 15
2011 - 13
2009 - 11
2007 - 09
2005 - 07
2003 - 05
2001 - 03
1999 - 01
1997 - 99
1995 - 97
1993 - 95
1991 - 93
1989 - 91
1988 - 89
1986 - 88
1985 - 86

Officers of WACCO


Jim Kurovsky
Mary Dumont
Elizabeth Whitcomb
Elizabeth Whitcomb
Ken Warning
Ken Warning
Jeffrey Klug
Jeffrey Klug
Terry Jakubaitis
Terry Jakubaitis
Bob Schaap
Bob Schaap
Jerry Robillard
Jerry Robillard
Jeffrey Klug
Paul Moertl
Bill Rietz
Bill Rietz
Lynn Butenhoff
Stehpen Haynes
Stephen Haynes

Vice President

Bonnie Zuidema
Jim Kurovsky
Mary Dumont
Mary Dumont
Elizabeth Whitcomb
Larry Jansen
Ken Warning
Ken Warning
Nancy Greifenhagen
Nancy Greifenhagen
Terry Jakubaitis
Shelia Hall
Fred Fritzsche
Bob Schaap
Jerry Robillard
Jeffrey Klug
Renee Keinert
Harvey Eder
Bill Rietz
Harry Richards
Bob Schaap


Mary Dumont
Ken Warning
Ken Warning
Ken Warning
Paul Moertl
Diane Jaeger
Diane Jaeger
Mary Dumont
Mary Dumont
Jean Sommers
Kathy Werlein
Lynne Reiger
Paul Moertl
Renee Skiba
Mark Mathu
Ellen Worzalla
Ellen Worzalla
Renee Keinert
Renee Keinert
Lynn Butenhoff
Lynn Butenhoff


Ramona Lenger
Ramona Lenger
Ramona Lenger
Ramona Lenger
Richard Knisbeck
Richard Knisbeck
Richard Knisbeck
Richard Knisbeck
Richard Knisbeck
Jeffrey Klug
Bob Dineen
Jeffrey Klug
Jeffrey Klug
Diane Surendonk
Kathy Braun
Kathy Braun
William Turner
Sheila Hall
Sheila Hall
Kathy Braun
Kathy Braun